Mjolnir - Comic Edition
Everything started when I first saw the Thor movie as a kid. I've been doing multiple versions of Mjolnir using paper, cardboard. I finally got to use metal and wood and make an almost-ideal Mjolnir from the comics.
Cardboard version of the Mjolnir.
The prototype was made using paper to understand and refer to. It helped a lot with determining the angles to be bent with the Sheet Metal. The base was made first and a hole was drilled to accommodate the handle which was made by turning a block of Sal Wood. The upper part was relatively harder to make because the bending of the sides disoriented the upper angles. I had to manually hammer out the angles and they turned out right.
The welding part messed up the dimensions of the upper part and the lower part had to be adjusted accordingly. Then buffing made the surface a go for paint and it turned out pretty good.
The handle was later glued, and strips of leather was used to give it the comic accurate look.


